of international
investment object

LI is associated with the structures of the LSE

What might be the outcome of transforming a company into an international economically sound project to be financed, and more specifically, how will its entry into the London stock market play out?

  1. Access to investment capital necessary for company development both at a point of market entry and through subsequent emissions;

  2. Expanding the company’s opportunities in performing acquisitions using quoted shares as currency;

  3. Creating a circulation marketing strategy for company shares — building a shareholder base;

  4. Entering the global financial system as part of the top economic league;

  5. Determining the actual market value of a business;

  6. Increasing long-term employee motivation through share arrangements bonus;

  7. New company’s standing in the eyes of customers and suppliers;

  8. New level of protection and stability for the company.


By obtaining the status of an international economically sound project to be financed within one of the London Issuing holdings, you gain access to an international investor base required for providing the company with sufficient capital in the course of its development within a balanced market regulation system.

Moreover, the management of an ideal holding participant strives to utilize the opportunities guaranteed by the statutes of an international financial project, which is ready to collaborate with investors.

Regardless of the factors that motivated the company to become part of a holding company and standardize its commercial structure, the reasons for entering the exchange and the intended allocation of funds always need to be clearly defined, spelled out and obvious to potential investors.